2017 CMV Legislation Proposed in Four States

2017 CMV Legislation Proposed in Four States

What do Idaho, Iowa, Oregon, and Maine have in common? These states have proposed state CMV legislation for 2017! Thanks to the hard work of sponsors, parents, physicians, and other advocates within these states, CMV legislation with proposed education and/or screening programs will be evaluated during this legislative session in each individual state. So what's in all of these bills? See below for summaries and links to bill text and updates. Also be sure to follow National CMV on social media for calls to action and other updates. Best of luck to these four states in 2017!

Idaho S1060 – Education
Summary: Adds to existing law to provide that the state Department of Health and Welfare shall make available certain information regarding cytomegalovirus.
Statement of Purpose: The purpose of the bill is to ensure the women of Idaho and their doctors have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information available regarding cytomegalovirus (CMV) prevention, infection, and treatment. Appropriate dissemination of this information will foreseeably prevent the infection of numerous babies in utero, thereby saving the State of Idaho millions of dollars in the care and treatment of various disabilities that are associated with congenital CMV infection.
Fiscal Note: $5,000
Tracking: https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2017/legislation/S1060/
Text: https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2017/legislation/S1060.pdf

Iowa SF51 – Education and Screening
Bill Title: An Act relating to a cytomegalovirus public health initiative and the testing of newborns for congenital cytomegalovirus.
Fiscal Note: N/A
Tracking: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ga=87&ba=SF51
Text: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/publications/LGI/87/SF51.pdf

Maine LD 87, SP 36 – Education and Screening
Bill Title: An Act To Require Screening for Cytomegalovirus in Newborn Infants
Summary: This bill requires the testing of all newborn infants for cytomegalovirus by a saliva or urine sample no later than 21 days after birth. The Department of Health and Human Services is required to develop public educational materials regarding cytomegalovirus for pregnant women and women who may become pregnant.
Fiscal Note: The Department of Health and Human Services will require Other Special Revenue Funds allocations of $33,068 in fiscal year 2017-18 and $1,033 in fiscal year 2018-19 to implement this bill. $30,000 in fiscal year 2017-18 would be the one-time cost to update an existing computer program called ChildLINK, which tracks all newborn screening data. The remaining allocation would be to produce, print and distribute brochures. Funding for the allocations will come from Newborn Bloodspot fees.
Tracking: http://legislature.maine.gov/bills/search_ps.asp?submit=Search
Text: http://legislature.maine.gov/bills/getPDF.asp?paper=SP0036&item=1&snum=128

Oregon HB 2754 – Education and Screening
Bill Title: Relating to cytomegalovirus.
Summary: Requires newborn child with hearing loss to be referred to health care provider for purpose of diagnosing whether newborn child has cytomegalovirus. 
Fiscal Note: May Have Fiscal Impact, But No Statement Yet Issued
Tracking: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Measures/Overview/HB2754
Text: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB2754/Introduced