2018 Early Career Research Award Recipient

2018 Early Career Research Award Recipient

The National CMV Foundation’s mission includes supporting relevant, timely and innovative research that will assist the foundation in meeting its goals to eliminate the harmful effects of maternal and congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection.
Meet Dr. Paul Lantos, a pediatric infectious disease specialist in Durham, NC affiliated with Duke Children’s Hospital and Health Center. Dr. Lantos’ is National CMV’s 2018 Early Career CMV Research Award recipient! We are pleased to be able to contribute towards this important work.
Dr. Lantos’ project is titled “Geostatistically-guided decision modeling to reduce health disparities from congenital cytomegalovirus”, and his focus is in the geospatial analysis of hearing loss and CMV infection among infants from the large NIH-NIDCD funded CMV & Hearing Multicenter Screening (CHIMES) Study.
Dr. Lantos’ work is significant to the field because it is the first geospatial study of congenital CMV, which will offer clear public health and cost-saving benefits from broader impacts of differential effect of congenital CMV screening in high-risk areas.